Sunday, August 14, 2011

Semana Grande in San Sebastian!

If I'm going to jump back into this, I might as well go BIG, right?

Just as well, since yesterday marked the beginning of Semana Grande(Spanish)/Aste Nagusia(Basque) (Literally: "Big Week") in San Sebastian. Semana Grande is a massive 7-day festival full of non-stop concerts, fairs, markets, parades, parties, activities, and spectacles. The city literally erupts with people, and there is something to do and see on every corner. Complete madness. Absolutely incredible.

Semana Grande - Day 1

Semana Grande - Day 1

Semana Grande - Day 1

Semana Grande - Day 1

Uniformed gunmen paraded through the streets while goofy bobble-headed Basque characters danced around and chased kids spanking them on the bum with blown up sheep stomachs. I don't exactly know the meaning behind it... but it was hilarious watching the kids run in terror.
Semana Grande - Day 1

Semana Grande - Day 1

Semana Grande - Day 1

Semana Grande

On top of the day filled insanity, each night, fireworks are set off over La Concha beach for an international fireworks competition.

Semana Grande - Day 1

Semana Grande - Day 1


7 nights of massive fireworks? This place is magical. Literally, my Never Never Land.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos! I'm so sorry about what happened but I'm really glad you're back : )
